AboutWe offer a scientific metabolic approach to individual goals while making people enjoy what they are doing.
Mat Pitts is a qualified personal trainer with over 12 years of experience in the health & fitness industry. Over the last decade, he has worked with 100+ clients, helping them achieve their fitness dreams and goals. Like you, Mat has gone through a challenging journey in his life. He has dealt with chronic pain for many years, overcoming numerous injuries that tried to hold him back. So, he fully understands what might be holding you back from reaching your fitness goals.
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Mat's approach to life - and training - is simple: take one day at a time and always take things one step further than you did the day before. This mantra allows for continuous improvements, and you will start noticing a difference right away. He's keen to get to know you and understand your goals and why they are important to you. From here, he's able to develop a plan for you that will allow you to make those incremental changes on a day-by-day basis. It's this type of consistent change that will present you with long-term results! Ultimately, Mat aspires to be the best personal trainer you have ever had. He doesn't just want to help you improve in the gym. He wants you to enjoy a better life overall. Mat's primary goal is to impact everyone he trains positively - whether this means achieving your weight loss goals, improving your overall fitness, or just enjoying pain-free movement. |
Ashley has been a personal trainer since 2014. She wanted to become a resource for women in the fitness industry that later expanded into lifestyle and nutrition.
“Let food be thy medicine.” Ashley's goal is to inform and arm each and every client of Vital to make informed decisions regarding their nutrition habits in relation to their goals and lifestyle. Learn More
Ashley's nutrition coaching focus is on Anti-Inflammatory, Gut Health, Blood Sugar Stabilization, Sustainable Weight Loss and Management, and Metabolic Flexibility. Dealing with Hypothyroidism and Celiac Disease personally, she has a core understanding for how crucial diet and lifestyle affects your Health and Wellness goals. |
Riley's been a personal trainer since 2020. He began his own journey with fitness after college and has been working on it for 7 years before eventually deciding to pursue fitness as a profession and share his knowledge and experience with others. Riley has always been keen to learn and expand his skill set. He works hard to help each client meet their specific strength, conditioning, and body transformation goals.
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With a background in high school and collegiate athletics, Riley transitioned to powerlifting and bodybuilding style training for years. Most recently he started pursuing another athletic endeavor and have been training to become a professional wrestler. This is something Riley has dreamt of trying for a long time and is really enjoying so far. The sport requires a unique blend of strength, athleticism, and endurance that is really exciting and lets him pull from all the different training disciplines he has learned and practiced over these last 5+ years. Certifications Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) Pain Free Performance Specialist (PPSC) Precision Nutrition Coach (PN1) |
Operating out of Paradigm Gym in Dallas, Vital Athletics is keen to offer you all the help you need to achieve your fitness goals. Alongside Mat and Ashley, other personal trainers are around to provide their unique insights and experiences. The key to the company's success revolves around its approach to personal training. You will be given routines and programs backed by science to ensure that you reach your individual goals. Not only that, but Vital Athletics emphasizes the importance of enjoying what you are doing. |
If you don't enjoy working out or dieting, you will never reach your fitness targets. Your personal trainers take the time to understand what makes you tick, finding out what you like and dislike. From there, a plan can be put together that revolves around you and your interests, meaning you can get fit while having fun at the same time. Vital Athletics is keen to put a smile on your face and improve your health & wellbeing. If you want to kickstart your fitness journey, you've come to the right place. |
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